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About UsIntroduction of Hangzhou Dunpai Chain Group Co.,Ltd

OTIS Guangzhou &Indian; Metro customers come to visit Group company


    In 2nd April,the project manager of OTIS Guangzhou Co.,Ltd ,Mr.R and the principals of Indian L&T Metro company electric dept. come to visit Donghua Group. The relative leaders of escalator business division warmly received them.

    During the visit trip,the escalators leaders introduced the Donghua development history ,product category and mainly performance in domestic and international market to the customers and accompany them to the workshop site for checking the manufacturing process of step chains and inspection method,the customers gave very high praise for the Donghua 5S workshop and customization management and at the same time, the leaders arrange some samples tensile test for the driving chain and step chains and the customers are very satisfied with the results.    In recent years,with the deep cooperation of many international projects ,Donghua chains are closing with the international markets demands, which also means Donghua is more closer with object of being the first-class chain manufacturing enterprise of the world.

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